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Responsibilities of Reviewers

Double-blind peer review is used by IJRLM. Since the majority of these people work full-time jobs, it follows that reviewing for IJRLM cannot be their first priority. Reviewers have the option to turn down requests to read certain submissions at their discretion. The deadline for responses from reviewers who accepted manuscript assignments is 10 days. Every reviewer is carefully chosen based on their credentials and degree of knowledge. All manuscripts must be considered as secret information, and none should ever be shared with anybody.


At IJRLM, reviewers are always encouraged to provide their thoughts and ideas as well as helpful criticism to improve all submitted articles. All reviewers are encouraged to voice their comments regarding the similarity of the material and any such instance for the manuscript under consideration. 

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The Indian Journal  for Research in Law and Management (IJRLM)
ISSN No. : 2583-9896
Contact Us for queries or collaborations at : 
+91 75796 22978 (Chat Feature Only) 

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